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Cuyuna Country Heritage Network




Shotgun Honeymoon?

Beriah Magoffin Jr. and Charlotte Bird Mondscheen were married in 1907. "Dad didn't tell mother she had chosen a date right in the middle of hunting season," Susan Shelby Magoffin Stoker said in an oral interview. "For a wedding trip they took the train to Deerwood, deposited mother's wardrobe at the boarding house and went duck hunting for several days." In some cases, that would have been the end of the romance right there, but for this couple it was just starting off right. " Mother liked to hunt," their daughter explained. "He gave her a 10 gauge shotgun and she hunted for some years, and I've seen a classic picture of her sitting on a muskrat house in long skirts and a hat with a gun. . . . a hunting family, that's for certain."


Lethal Language Barrier

"My maternal grandfather was a first-generation immigrant, but not my paternal grandfather. In fact, he was third generation. I don't know if you want that in this story or not. Magnus Anderson who immigrated from Sweden settled in Iowa, and after he'd been there about a year establishing a farm, he had a family. He had several children. My great-grandfather was in his very early teens, but one night some people came through and wanted a place to stay, so somehow or other, they put them up for the night. In the morning there was a posse there and these people were horse thieves. And back in those days, you know what they did with horse thieves. They strung them up and my great-great-grandfather did not know how to speak English yet. He hadn't been in the country more than a year . . . and the posse assumed that he was part of the ring of horse thieves and they hung him with the other thieves. So, there was his widow with three children left destitute on this emerging homestead. And that's something I learned not too many years ago."
Carlton (Carlie) Anderson, Crosby

Crosby-Ironton Gets a Bike Trail

Minnesota DNR (2011, July 26). World-class mountain biking at Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area [Video file]. Retrieved from Youtube website:






























































































































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