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Digging Into the Past.......
The Cuyuna Country Heritage Network is a private, nonprofit organization, established in 1989 as the Cuyuna Country Heritage Preservation Society by a few members who recognized the need to preserve this history before it was lost for all time. There currently are 17 members on the Board of Directors, and 5 networking members, who comprise today's CCHPS. These are devoted historians, whose mission is to collect and preserve all physical artifacts, documents, manuscripts, photographs, maps--all materials that document human life in Cuyuna Country.
Of great importance to the Society is their work to tape record and transcribe every possible oral history from everyone who has shared in the history of Cuyuna Country: the early homesteaders/settlers and their families, immigrants, the iron miners, the lumbermen, the "ma and pa" business owners (entrepreneurs), the schoolteachers, the ministers, the medical people--all who have fascinating stories to tell.
The Network meets on the second Tuesdayof every month at 10:00 a.m. in the lower level of the Unity Bank of Crosby in Crosby, Minnesota. The public is invited to join us; please call to let us know about your interest in our network.
Cuyuna Country Heritage Network
Lower Level, Unity Bank of Crosby
PO Box 272, Crosby, MN 56441
Phone: 218-545-1166
Email Us: cchps@crosbyironton.net
Copyright 2012